Well, I made an iterview with a person (Andy) talking about smiling and laughing. Here is it:
Kari: What are the major reasons for you to laugh?
Andy: This is a very hard question. There are a lot of things that make me laugh but one of the
major ones for me is when someone else is lauging.
Kari: What is funny in watching other people laugh?
Andy: Well, there are a lot of different ways of laughing and all of them make me laugh. It is just
the way they do it. I know a person who is laughing out very loud. It is funny just listening to her.
Kari: That's very interesting. Can you say something else that makes you laugh?
Andy: I am a person who is laughing for a lot of things. A lot of jokes help me for this "process" and all these jokes are told by the people that are around me, my friends.
Kari: Can you give me an example of a funny joke?
Andy: Of course! There is one aobut blondes:
Two blondes were stuck in an elevator. One of them started shouting " Help!Help!" and the other asked "Why don't we shout together?" The first one agreed and they started shouting "Together!Together!"
That one really made me laugh.
Kari: Wow! That was a really funny one. Here is another question for you. What makes you smile when you are really sad?
Andy: That's the easiest question ever. The answer is everything! When I am sad (but really sad) and my friends want to make me smile when they are doing funny things, I always smile. It is just when someone is sad and lonely, when the others are trying to make him/her smile, they always succeed because that person needs their company, their help and when they are around him/her, the person becomes happy again.
Kari: That is a really good answer, Andy. And finally, what is something you want to tell our readers?
Andy: I want to tell them: You should appreciate the importance of the people that are around you. They will always be with you and will help you get through difficulties and will make you smile.
Kari: Thank you, Andy.
I hope this interview will help you understand the important things in life and that you enjoyed that joke Andy said. (: