Have you ever felt that when you are walking down the street you see dozens of garbage on our way. Haven't you thought of the idea of picking them up? Have you thought of the change you are goind to make if you do so? In my country there are almost no people like that. Wherever you look there's rubbish. Almost everybody throws their garbage on the street, in the park, everywhere because the recycle bin is too far from them (10 metres) . Have you felt that sometimes it is not difficult to throw your rubbish but as you have thrown it on the street for the past two years, it has become a routine for you?
"Don't throw your garbage everywhere!!" is what I am going to tell you. Can you think of the pollution you are making. Now, think of the change you are going to make. Can you imagine the clean parks where, for example your child is playing, the clean seas or rivers where you swim, the clean cities and the clean planet where we live? Can you imagine the feeling in you that you have changed something, can you imagine the smile on your face...
I think that everybody should think about this so that he/she can make a difference. Visit this cite if you want to see another article about polution.
Source of image: http://fladoodles.wordpress.com/2009/01/17/dont-pollute/
The place which takes my breath away is that "big water" called a sea. I love watching the sea. It does not matter whether it is summer or winter. It is just the spirit of watching it. When I see it I feel so pleased and can watch it for hours. I can see the waves coming towards me as they want to touch me, to catch me. I want to run in the sand. I can feel the freedom at this moment. When I run on the sand, nothing can stop me and I can do this for hours and won't be bored because for me it had been just one moment. I want to feel the sand in my hands. I could grab a bunch of sand and feel the littlse rocks it is made of. When you are at the sea you can see the sky touching it as they want to mix, they want to be together, they want to make something new. If you go in the morning to watch the sunrise, the sun will slowly appear from the sea. When I am watching this it is as if it is something that happens for the first time. When I look at the sea, I start thinking about everything, everything that comes to my mind. I don't know is it from the fresh air or because of the feeling but this is the place where I can find most of the answers. They just come to my mind in the second I ask myself a question. Another thing that makes me feel nice when I watch the sea is just the sound of the waves. I close my eyes and just listen. I can hear the waves hitting the cliffs. When I listen to this I can lose several hours withouth realizing that.
Have you ever tried this? To go to your favorite place and feel the feeling of freedom? You will be pleased with the result. You will feel as if you have been born again, as if you start from the beginning, with new future. This is what the sight of sea makes to me. It takes my breath away and it is like just a little moment in front of this "big water", in front of this beauty is my whole life.
Another thing that is not favorite place, but favorite time is when I get up in the morning and look from the window. I can see how the sun is trying to make its way out through the clouds. When it is doing this, I can see the different colors that are made: orange, pink, yellow, and even red. When I see it, I immedeately run around the apartament to look for my camera to take a photo of it because every time that happens it is unique. I want to record this time, so ,for example, when I am sad, I could look at it and feel better. I cannot explain why I feel better when I see it but it is just the beauty that is made. I can just watch it and feel warmness in my body as if this thing had made my day look better. When I look at the sky it is like the beautiful colors are flying all around me as they want to hug me, to calm me down. I want to look at it all day but it disappears after few minutes and I cannot wait for the next day to come to see if there is going to be another colorful view.