What we are is a very strange question. You may ask how can I not know who I am. I will tell you. Everybody acts differently in front of different people. They change in the situation they are put. Nobody knows who he is... Everybody acts the way other people act who act the way other people act and in that way a cycle is made in which everybody is nobody.
When you realize that the way you've acted in front of some of your friends is not a way you like, it is not who you are, it is somebody else. When you understand that, you will try to avoid all the things you've done against your will so that you can be a "cool" one. I would tell you to find the friends with whom this secret in told and is not hidden anymore, who you care about and who care about you.
Can you look at your old pictures? Can you look at yourself? You will think how could you have looked that way, dressed that way, acted that way. After you have done that can you think of the changes you have made in order to look like you look now. Believe me, you will think about the people that have changed you and not how you changed yourself. Everybody imitates everybody and in that way everybody is nobody. There is not a unique person in dressing, acting, etc., there are only copies of one.
You will think how can you change this. You want to be a unique one and not a copy? In the way you look, you have been influenced by others, in the way you act, you , again, have been influenced by others. Then you will ask how can everybody tell you that you are unique when you are not. This is what I will tell you. Everybody is unique in his own way. He might be influenced by others but will always have one part which is only his, which nobody could get, which nobody could imitate. It will be like a secret which will never be revealed to anybody but you...
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